Application Tips

QC Thin-Pave NI™

Applying QC Thin-Pave NI™ to a surface? Look below for handy tips and tricks.


  • Remove any loose/unstable paints, sealsers, curing compounds, etc., or oily residues using chemical strippers, sanding, shot blasting or otherwise mechanically preparing the surface.

  • If the surface is to be imprinted, do so at the proper stage of set.

  • Use QC Crack Repair Kit after surface preparation, according to manufacturer's recommendations to bridge these types of situations and prevent the crack from appearing in the topping.

  • When a surface is found to be powdery or unstable due to improper curing, finishing, etc., apply QC Cemguard to harden and properly stabilize the surface.

  • When excessive subgrade moisture/alkaline salts are present, QC Cemguard should also be used according to manufacturer's recommendations to stabilize this condition.
  • Do not use acids to clean the surface before applying QC Thin-Pave NI™.

  • Avoid placement of QC Thin-Pave NI™ when the following weather conditions are present: excessive heat/wind, surfaces below 40°F during installation or the first 15 days of curing, and surfaces below 33°F in the second 15 days of curing.