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What’s New at QC?


Check out the new "QC Goes Green" line of low VOC, Eco-Friendly, LEED's Qualifying products; Renew by QC- water-based solid color penetrating stain , QC CemTint – water-based concrete stain, QC Concrete Dye – water-based penetrating stain, QC Cemseal VOC 100  - water-based low VOC acrylic sealer, QC Ultra Seal VOC 100  - solvent-based low VOC acrylic sealer, QC Surpro WB Matte – water-based low VOC polyurethane coating, QC Floor Finishes – water-based low VOC finish waxes. Click here for additional information on these products and our entire line.

Renew by QC is a line of non-hazardous, water-based concrete staining products free of acid, acrylic and ultra-low VOC’s. Made especially for use with existing, unsealed, interior or exterior, concrete and other cementitious surfaces. Ideal for use with overlays. Applications include high traffic areas driveways, patios, city buildings, pool decks and more! Available in 42 standard colors.

QC Construction Products offers the complete line of Imprint Technologies high-quality concrete imprinting tools, seamless texture mats & accessories! QC is the exclusive distributor of IT Tools in the U.S. Click here to download your copy of our complete catalog.